Since we started giving UJU Shout Outs, students around the globe cannot get enough of them. They are a fantastic way for us to connect and engage with the many classrooms who use our videos.
It began as wanting to recognize some of the amazing teachers who have been using our videos in their classrooms. They may have Tweeted about us, posted on Instagram or reached out via Email. So we decided to drop a couple names to recognize them in our 'Back to School Would You Rather' video.
It REALLY took off from there. Just check out some of the class reactions to these UJU Shout Outs!
Thousands of UJU Shout Outs started coming in. Comments requesting shout outs on our Youtube videos, Facebook messages, Instagram posts. It was both amazing and exhausting to stay on top of. Along with the growing number of comments on our videos, so too did the number of trolls. Moderating our YouTube channel comments became a job in itself.
We decided that it is in the best interest of our channel to find another solution for our UJU Shout Outs and disable comments on all of our videos. Streamline requests to one place while better managing our videos to ensure that they are appropriate for all ages. Now UJU Shout Outs are automatically added to a spreadsheet and we can ensure that we don't miss a single one.
Getting your UJU Shout Out is simple.
Go to www.ujuvideos.com
Scroll to the bottom.
Fill out the form.
And VOILA! You have been added to our Shout Out list! So go quick! Sign up your class today and check the next UJU video for your name!